Another Subbing Gig

July 18:
I will be subbing for the guitarist in a band called Vokal Fuzion. It is a variety band with a wide range of repertoire. Thankfully, the gig is only about an hour. I have severe musical OCD and Mr. Hyde really comes out when the subbing gig is 3-hours long. Not during the gig, of course, but during the preparation. There will be some changes to my preparation process and schedule. Today is July 18 and I made a YouTube playlist of the tunes and started listening to them. The first rehearsal is July 23. I plan to spend some time each day until then working out charts, practicing spotlight moments, etc. There are a number of guitar-heavy tunes, and some that have no guitar at all; I guess I just dance during those tunes.

July 23:
Right, so first off, I had the first rehearsal date wrong. Arrived five minutes late to an empty house. Oh well, let’s call it a dry run. Actual rehearsal date is Tuesday, July 30.

July 27:
All the charts are done, at least for the guitar songs. Still planning to dance during the not-very-guitary songs. My new slide came in, so I can start working on the solos for Tush.

This week’s schedule:
LCA Band Camp 8am – 4pm, Monday – Friday;
Regular teaching schedule 4:30pm – 8pm Monday – Thursday;
Tuesday: Vokal Fuzion rehearsal 8:30pm – ?;
Wednesday: Rock & Roll Fantasy Vocalist Audition #37 8:30pm – ?;
Saturday: Vokal Fuzion gig at Sedalia Center 4:30pm – 5:30pm.

I’m taking a nap Sunday, August 4. Mark your calendars.

Freedom of Speech…

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The individual can vote with their feet and wallets. We are not the United States Congress and are not bound to allow that which we disapprove.
