Getting a Gig

Recently, I have given myself permission to book my group for any gig available.  Oddly, nobody is calling or e-mailing in reply.

This is completely opposite of a previous band to which I belonged and booked regularly.  I remember a November years ago during which I had 27 engagements.  This was counting rehearsals, but that is still BUSY!

The other band was a ‘70s rock band.  Jus’Tone & Musicianism is definitely not a ‘70s rock band.

Maybe that is the problem.


VA Ten Miler JusTone and Musicianism Video Playlist

Greetings, All,

Just a note to connect you to our uploaded PLAYLIST of videos from the 2009 VA Ten Miler that Jus’Tone & Musicianism played September 26.

We certainly hope you enjoy watching and listening to us play.  We would really appreciate some ‘Comments’ or ‘Ratings’.  This will give us some feedback in regard to which tunes you like the most.

